Additional Revenue Plan

JnJ Powercom Systems Ltd is geographically located in Southern part of India at Hyderabad in the state of Andhra Pradesh with a world class Smart Energy Meters manufacturing facility.

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JnJ PowerCom provides a full AMR solution which connects Electricity, Water, and Gas meters using the PLC infrastructure. The utility company can gain Steady income and high profitability leasing the infrastructure to water, Gas, Security and service companies. This business model will generate extra income to the utility company with no impact on its operation or its maintenance cost.

The service can be offered to the private sector for maintenance and control of remote site locations as cellular base stations, plants, Distribution centers etc.

The DIO units are able to provide real time messages from any site indicating Intruder alert, Fire, Temp. Increase, Low level in Fuel tank. This feature saves maintenance cost significantly. For example: No need to send a refueling tank unless the system notifies the operator. The system can also engage units remotely as Generators, Air condition.

By connecting to our new DIO units, we can allow a real time visual look at the site by the operator. These units use GPRS/UMTS connectivity to open a video and audio to any remote site location.